Läheltä piti -tilanne Tongalla

Chris Lee/ September 21, 2019/ Tonga

We were swimming with humpback whales, when we saw a family of 3 whales. Mother, calf and the male escort who protects the mother and calf. The mother invited us to come play with them by showing us the calf and slapping her tail to the surface for good 10 minutes. We went in and saw the whales from behind, when the calf turned around to come meet us. The mother followed and in front of us they took a sharp turn, and thats where I almost get hit by her tail.

This humpback is around 40 tonnes and 18m long, so getting hit by her powerful tail will not be a good thing.

Watch and see how close a call this was!

However an amazing experience, and the whales intend no harm to humans. They are very intelligent animals who sometimes love to play and interact with humans. Gentle giants who deserve to be protected like any other whales.

Iltalehden artikkeli Aika Matkaajien ja ryhävalaan kohtaamisesta: https://www.iltalehti.fi/iltvluontojaelaimet/a/b986a59b-f846-4ecc-849f-068b03ff5185

Iltasanomien artikkeli: https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000006246674.html

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